Regardless of how you might stand on the thought of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, you must admit the hype surrounding this trailer was immense. For months we've heard the rumblings of a trailer on it's way and it has finally arrived. It feels like a weight has been lifted and the veil tossed away. The moment has come and all of our eyes have seen it (if not seen it hundreds of times...like me)! From the moment the trailer began to the second it ended, I was hooked. Now I must admit that I've been a Batman fan since I was 4, so my initial reaction to this trailer was to be expected. However, after the hundreds of times I've viewed this since the leak to the HD trailer released by Snyder, I have really taken the time to analyze every aspect of this trailer. After so much thought, my reaction only grows stronger. With each viewing I find myself just as enthralled as the first time. From the tone, to the dialogue, to the set, to the costume, to the camera angles, to the easter eggs, to the symbolism, I was giddy(not a description I often use especially for myself). This trailer set the tone for the exact Batman I've longed to see for so long. Never before have we seen a Batman as big, as brooding, as menacing, as brutal, as we've seen Ben Affleck's Batman to be so far. Also, no movie incarnation of Superman prior to Henry Cavill could have ever stood up to any Batman, let alone this one. But, that is why this trailer sold me so well. It gave me the best Batman I've ever seen, but gave me a Superman worth fighting. Nothing is more boring than getting something so good to use it on something so crappy. Luckily, I don't believe this is one of those situations. Finally, the money shot. Batman asking Superman, "Tell me, can you even bleed? You will." This just pumped everything up to 11! We know now, the battle is on, and it's going to be a crazy one. Overall, the trailer itself was a home run not just for someone like me who loves Batman, but as a film fan. It had everything a teaser needs with a good balance of exposition, tonal direction, and of course a money shot worth seeing and hearing.
Now, I know some have already began to pick apart everything in the trailer, for instance Mr. Sunday Movies has already done a "Things You Missed" video on the trailer that you can watch here, but I would like to speculate even further. However, Mr. Sunday Movies does a very comprehensive job so if you'd rather watch that click the link above. Alright, let's dive in!
1. Metropolis Reconstruction
So in the opening shot of the Superman statue, farther in the distance you are able to see a crane. I believe this means there is still some rebuilding being done after the MoS battle. However, considering that the other buildings seem to be unscathed, I'm assuming this is at least a year or so later. It looks as if most of the devastation as been rebuilt, but as if there are still some areas to clean up.
2. Pockocmoc Satellite
Now this one could admittedly be absolutely nothing, but let's speculate anyway! I think the inclusion of Superman holding the either Russian missile or satellite could be an indication that Superman does indeed work in some shape or form for the government. I believe Superman will be working with the government in order to prove his allegiance, and in doing so will help show the world that America is under his supervision. Also, this could be a nice nod to The Dark Knight Returns when Superman intercepts a Russian nuke and it detonates leaving most of America in a blackout.
3. The Riddler
Obviously, I must mention the Riddle question mark that any Batman fan would have seen stick out. It's a very nice nod to the length of Batman's career so far as well as a nod to the Riddler's existence in this universe so far. Personally, I hope we see the Riddler pop up in a Batman standalone because one thing lacking in the Batman movies so far is his detective side. The Riddler challenges his abilities to deduce and to use his genius intellect to solve a problem rather than his physical strength. This aspect of Batman is one of his most important character traits and it has not been used to it's potential so far. Hopefully a Riddler can help flesh that out a bit more.
4. Ben Affleck Staring at the Batsuit
Now this is something that I only noticed after the millionth time I watched the trailer. When Affleck stares at his costume, you can see a light flickering on his face. It looks to me like light from a tv or a monitor. It also is flashing fairly quickly which would indicate a fast moving image. I believe this is a flashback to the destruction of Metropolis and Bruce contemplating his return to the Cape and Cowl. This makes sense because right at this moment Jeremy Irons, who will be Alfred, mentions getting a fever, from the feeling of hopelessness. It wouldn't be anything too special, but still a nice tidbit to know Bruce was watching, and the Superman was the catalyst to make Batman return.
5. Seeing Batman Walk
There's a point in the trailer where Batman walks out from some form of devastation. To me this looks like the location that Wonder Woman was seen standing in her reveal poster. Perhaps this could be a sequence later in the movie after Bruce and Kal make up, or before hand, and this battle is how they meet.
6. What the Hell is In His Hand?
In the same shot with the Riddler logo, Batman is seen holding a large object but it is unclear as to what it is. It looks almost like a Gravity Hammer from Halo, but I digress. I wonder if it some weapon he is using against Superman. Also, another quick note, Batman is holding a sniper rifle in another shot, similar to another scene inThe Dark Knight Returns where he uses a rifle.
7. The Alfred Dialogue
Obviously, I touched on it earlier, but these few line (expertly delivered by Irons) have a lot to say about Batman. Like I mentioned, I believe the hopelessness he refers to could be Bruce's reaction to discovering someone so powerful exists in his world, but I also believe it speaks about Batman's past. The line right after this one says, "It turns good men, cruel." I believe this supports the idea that Joker has killed Jason Todd in this universe. I think Alfred is talking about Batman's inability to save Jason, in which he's never been the same. After this death, he became more cruel and punishing. Perhaps this is Alfred's warning to Superman.?
Finally, thank you all so much for reading (if you even made it this far). I know this was a bit of a long one, but there was just so much for this Batman nerd to say! Again I loved this trailer. I feel like it delivered on everything a teaser should have as well as everything a nerd like me could want. If you liked this analysis please comment, share, and thumbs up! Go watch Mr. Sunday Movies "Things You Missed" video on this trailer, and let me know how you liked the trailer. Is there something you wish you saw that you didn't? Did you not like the trailer? What are your speculations? Sound off below!
Now, I know some have already began to pick apart everything in the trailer, for instance Mr. Sunday Movies has already done a "Things You Missed" video on the trailer that you can watch here, but I would like to speculate even further. However, Mr. Sunday Movies does a very comprehensive job so if you'd rather watch that click the link above. Alright, let's dive in!
1. Metropolis Reconstruction
So in the opening shot of the Superman statue, farther in the distance you are able to see a crane. I believe this means there is still some rebuilding being done after the MoS battle. However, considering that the other buildings seem to be unscathed, I'm assuming this is at least a year or so later. It looks as if most of the devastation as been rebuilt, but as if there are still some areas to clean up.
2. Pockocmoc Satellite
Now this one could admittedly be absolutely nothing, but let's speculate anyway! I think the inclusion of Superman holding the either Russian missile or satellite could be an indication that Superman does indeed work in some shape or form for the government. I believe Superman will be working with the government in order to prove his allegiance, and in doing so will help show the world that America is under his supervision. Also, this could be a nice nod to The Dark Knight Returns when Superman intercepts a Russian nuke and it detonates leaving most of America in a blackout.
3. The Riddler
Obviously, I must mention the Riddle question mark that any Batman fan would have seen stick out. It's a very nice nod to the length of Batman's career so far as well as a nod to the Riddler's existence in this universe so far. Personally, I hope we see the Riddler pop up in a Batman standalone because one thing lacking in the Batman movies so far is his detective side. The Riddler challenges his abilities to deduce and to use his genius intellect to solve a problem rather than his physical strength. This aspect of Batman is one of his most important character traits and it has not been used to it's potential so far. Hopefully a Riddler can help flesh that out a bit more.
4. Ben Affleck Staring at the Batsuit
Now this is something that I only noticed after the millionth time I watched the trailer. When Affleck stares at his costume, you can see a light flickering on his face. It looks to me like light from a tv or a monitor. It also is flashing fairly quickly which would indicate a fast moving image. I believe this is a flashback to the destruction of Metropolis and Bruce contemplating his return to the Cape and Cowl. This makes sense because right at this moment Jeremy Irons, who will be Alfred, mentions getting a fever, from the feeling of hopelessness. It wouldn't be anything too special, but still a nice tidbit to know Bruce was watching, and the Superman was the catalyst to make Batman return.
5. Seeing Batman Walk
There's a point in the trailer where Batman walks out from some form of devastation. To me this looks like the location that Wonder Woman was seen standing in her reveal poster. Perhaps this could be a sequence later in the movie after Bruce and Kal make up, or before hand, and this battle is how they meet.
6. What the Hell is In His Hand?
In the same shot with the Riddler logo, Batman is seen holding a large object but it is unclear as to what it is. It looks almost like a Gravity Hammer from Halo, but I digress. I wonder if it some weapon he is using against Superman. Also, another quick note, Batman is holding a sniper rifle in another shot, similar to another scene inThe Dark Knight Returns where he uses a rifle.
7. The Alfred Dialogue
Obviously, I touched on it earlier, but these few line (expertly delivered by Irons) have a lot to say about Batman. Like I mentioned, I believe the hopelessness he refers to could be Bruce's reaction to discovering someone so powerful exists in his world, but I also believe it speaks about Batman's past. The line right after this one says, "It turns good men, cruel." I believe this supports the idea that Joker has killed Jason Todd in this universe. I think Alfred is talking about Batman's inability to save Jason, in which he's never been the same. After this death, he became more cruel and punishing. Perhaps this is Alfred's warning to Superman.?
Finally, thank you all so much for reading (if you even made it this far). I know this was a bit of a long one, but there was just so much for this Batman nerd to say! Again I loved this trailer. I feel like it delivered on everything a teaser should have as well as everything a nerd like me could want. If you liked this analysis please comment, share, and thumbs up! Go watch Mr. Sunday Movies "Things You Missed" video on this trailer, and let me know how you liked the trailer. Is there something you wish you saw that you didn't? Did you not like the trailer? What are your speculations? Sound off below!
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